Your Toolbox

Your Toolbox

Every craft-person has a toolbox of tools and techniques they use to bring their work to life. You too have a toolbox full of the tools and techniques you’ve picked up over your lifetime that have helped you to shape your life into what it is today.

Your tools are very personal, as are how you use them. You can hear people talk about employing techniques and tools generally, but only you can determine how they will work best with your creations.

Like artists, you must discover the truth of your own vision, and take action through this, using the unique tools you have available.

photo credit: Jeffrey Pot

One More Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

One More Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding


It’s About Sharing.

While the web is a powerful tool for developing our personal brand, it’s important to remember that the web isn’t primarily a medium for information, marketing, or sales. It’s a place for people to meet, talk, create, disagree, rant, and love.

In a similar vein, authentic marketing is about creating conversation and connection. You cultivate this by sharing what you care about, and what you know.

Putting this understanding together, that the web is a medium to connect with people, and marketing is a means for creating connection, we can conclude personal branding is about using the resources you have available to share your authentic signal, your perspective of the world, and trusting your right people will connect with the unique value your expression creates.

Four other things I think I know about personal branding are:
1. It’s a table for two.
2. The more value in your signal, the stronger it will be.
3. Your point of view matters.
4. There is no demand for your message.

photo credit : Lena

And Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

And Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

Table for Two

It’s a table for two.

In the end, it’s just me and you.

I need to connect with you. You need to enjoy the experience of being with me.

It’s you I need to tune into, and turn on.

It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about, business or personal.

Us humans, we connect one-on-one. Me and you.

If you feel excited and passionate about what I give you, you will help broadcast my signal.

If I connect with you, if I genuinely help you to fill a need, you will share what I do, and who I am.

The experience of me stays with you.

photo credit: Benoxi

Yet Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

Yet Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

photo credit to BasicallyAdvanced

The more value found in my signal, the stronger it will be.

I think of my signal as how I am perceived by others. Like a radio signal, my signal appeals not to everyone but to certain people.

I think of my value as how I am of service to others. The more I understand and grow it, the easier I can communicate it, and You can connect with it.

So I tune in. I listen to the marketplace and my community for ideas on what I’m signifying with my brand. And I listen to myself.

Who is tuning into me? What am I tuning into? Are there any discrepancies in what I am are hearing and experiencing internally and externally?

When I work on knowing my value, I work on “developing my authentic voice”. My true voice expresses what’s inside me, and my brand. And the more She shares, the stronger my signal is, and the more of You it will reach.

My signal holds a lot of power. So I need to be careful with it, my communications. I need to be mindful of how I connect with you, and how I share my passions, my values, and my talents with you.

When I find I’m not communicating to add value, it’s wise to choose not to broadcast. Thoughtful communications are what serve me and grow my signal stronger.

 photo credit: BasicallyAdvanced

One Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

One Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding


There is no demand for my message.

Personal branding isn’t about packaging myself up into a pretty box and showing only the good and glowing. The whole me, not my tidy little message, is what people want and will see, whether I attempt to control it or not.

Establishing a message for myself, deciding on a pretense, trying to make you think what I want you to think about me, is not of benefit to me. And it’s not of interest to you. You don’t care about what I want to pretend to be.

My personal brand, it is my Marketing, and it’s not something I do to you. Marketing is something I do with you. It’s about creating great conversations.

That’s what’s really in demand. Connection.

My message, my pretense, can only prevent me from reaching that place with you.