I’m 2!

I’m 2!

It's Elastic Mind's 2nd birthday!

I’m celebrating Elastic Mind’s birthday, except I just discovered it was yesterday…

I just wrote this article thinking today was Elastic Mind’s special day and while adding a hyperlink, I discovered it was actually yesterday. I’m celebrating today regardless.

I wasn’t sure if 2 years in business was an anniversary or a birthday. I like birthday for Elastic Mind. I feel like I carried and birthed this bad boy.

Opportunities are an outcome of Innerpreneurship — Innerpreneurship is not an outcome of opportunities.

Two years ago today yesterday I published Are You An Innerpreneur? and, in my mind, I officially launched my business. A month earlier, I had left my corporate marketing job with only my passion as security. I had no clients, no income source, no ‘plan’, only a desire to write and to build a business around my value(s). I believed I could do it, so I did it. I wasn’t sure exactly what my vision was but I knew where I wanted to go. I figured the rest would figure itself out. And it has.

The last two years have been an odyssey. My life has changed in ways that make me glow. I wanted to believe that I was enough to build a growth business, and today, at 2, I know it’s true.

It’s been fucking hard these last two years, don’t get me wrong. There are days when I’m certain this isn’t working and I want to give up. But when I stop and calm my fears and look objectively over the life I have created, I realize I am living my dream.

It’s true. It isn’t bullshit. I really am enough. I can do this.

Today, funny enough, is my husband’s first day as a free man, working on his business, ReGenerate Biogas, full-time. We didn’t plan the dates to align. Neither Daniel nor I have glamorous fast growth or big money business success stories. We simply have small daily gains that add up nicely.

It’s Elastic Mind’s 2nd birthday, and I’m damn proud!

photo by: me — I started building this elastic ball shortly before I launched Elastic Mind. It was the inspiration for my logo.

A More Accurate Innerpreneur Timeline

A More Accurate Innerpreneur Timeline

Innerpreneur Books

Almost two years ago to this date I had my first desire to write about Innerpreneurs. And, at the time, the only place I had ever heard of Innerpreneurs was in the cultural marketing book Karma Queens, Geek Gods and Innerpreneurs by Ron Rentel. Thus, I credited Ron for the creation of the word in my first article on the topic, Are You An Innerpreneur?.

It Ain’t So

Now that I am older and wiser, I’ve discovered that Rentel was actually the 3rd author, to my knowledge, to use the term. The 1st person to write about Innerpreneurs was Rebecca Maddox in 1996 with her guide on how to Inc. Your Dreams, and then there was Phillip Dignan in 2007 with his examination of true wealth in Secrets of the Wealthy Mind.

Both authors, like Rentel, use the term Innerpreneur to describe a person shaping their business around their passions and values. Interestingly, none of the authors mention each others work. So whether they were inspired by each other or by Someone Else, I do not know. Either way, it seems Innerpreneuring was an idea destined to spread.