Being Creative and Being a Cultural Creative Are Not the Same Thing

Being Creative and Being a Cultural Creative Are Not the Same Thing

Creative Commons License photo credit: lindsayhickman

Creative Commons License photo credit: lindsayhickman

So, what makes us different?

I am trying to define the difference between thinking and working creatively and being a cultural creative.

There are wonderful people all around us that, like us, can be labeled as part of the rising ‘creative class’. They, like us, work in creative fields. They, like us, are using their mind to solve problems and create. But despite this in common, we are still different. We value different things. Being creative doesn’t explain why we choose to live and think the way we do.

We see culture, the environment and life differently.

Why is that? And will more people working in creative professions necessarily create the change we desire? Is simply ‘being creative’ enough?