As a practitioner of Pay What It’s Worth pricing, I see the business approach of asking a client to pay-what-they-can...

Being an Innerpreneur
Pay What It’s Worth Pricing
Cultural Creativity
As a practitioner of Pay What It’s Worth pricing, I see the business approach of asking a client to pay-what-they-can...
If we look at -preneurship as a term used to describe our personal brand, what form of -preneurship best communicates...
I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, I did not make the word Innerpreneur up. I was only drawn to it...
We destroy the earth, and ourselves, in name of something we do not truly understand. Too often the phrase, “Because the economy…” is used as a scapegoat.
The ideology of profit-centred, protectionist capitalism fails as a worldview to guide us through the twenty-first century.
Author. Wizard of Less Obvious Things
I’m fascinated and repelled by the things humans do, the ways we can be, all the stuff we can not bare to look at about ourselves, all that makes us so messy, and nasty, and beautiful.