Cool to Be Cruel

Cool to Be Cruel


Who was it that decided
It was cool to be cruel?

Who was it that instructed you
To cover up your envy.

With cutting words
Used to feel oh so clever.

Holding your balance
On the pedestal you’ve precariously perched on.

Hoping to tower over
Your item of envy.

They need to be smaller
Small, like you feel when you’re around them.

Small, like you feel.

When you forget how beautiful you are
You can be so very ugly.

Your cutting words
Will never leave you feeling valued.

Masturbated, perhaps.

Your ego safely tucked
Behind your manufactured cool.

Maybe they won’t notice
How insecure you are.

You’re more beautiful
Than you act.

It’s a shame
You don’t know.

How your envy leaves you exposed
To what’s behind your performance.

You’re caught up in comparison
And your need to control.

How insecure you are
You’re trying to feel better.

Looking at everyone else
You never see the best in you.

Never getting that your beauty
Isn’t forced into production.

It’s yours

Clever and cool are words
That do not express.

An opportunity for love wasted
Beauty masked.

photo credit: Dori

Everything Has The Same Value

Everything Has The Same Value


Everyone can be your teacher, and everything can be an object of worship.

When you can free yourself from the scales of judgement in your lower mind—where one thing is held in higher virtue than another—in your higher mind, everything has the same value.

In this space, you see the teacher learns from their student, as the student learns from their teacher. In every exchange and in every relationship, there is value to realize.

When you can accept yourself and your true nature, you see this shared value. In acceptance of yourself, you lose the need to rank and weigh, and to judge any thing and any one as better or worse.

In this space of equanimity, you understand you create the value you give, and the value you receive.

What’s curious is that in this effort to understand our world and improve our self, we allow ourselves to realize the infinite value we possess.

photo credit: DorkyMum