Spread the Idea

Do you believe that:

  • a business can provide personal fulfillment?
  • creativity and consciousness can change the world?
  • we should do what we are and what we love?
  • we must continuously evolve and learn?

Together, let’s spread the idea of innerpreneurship. Let’s inspire others to discover their calling.

Add this badge to your blog, using the code below, and share your belief that capitalism can be meaningful.

Spead the Innerpreneurial Love!

<a href="http://www.elasticmind.ca/innerpreneur/index.php/2008/06/06/are-you-an-innerpreneur/"><img src="http://www.elasticmind.ca/badge/InnerpreneurBadge.jpg" alt="Proud to be an innerpreneur"></a>