We Don’t Know What We Are

We Don’t Know What We Are


Our true nature, who we inherently are, is expressed in all that we do. Yet most of us live without an awareness of this truth, and the practice of expressing who we naturally are becomes difficult to realize.

Instead, we find our selves striving, pushing, giving up; actions driven by our confusion over who we naturally are.

When we express our true nature, we are human beings — we are what we are. When we do not express our nature, we don’t know what we are. We are confused. Deluded.

We don’t know what to call ourselves. In our minds, we are something else other than what we are. We do not exist. We’re ghosts of our self.

We live in this ghost-like state, our true nature eluding us, until we find the courage to know our self (again). Open to being what we are, our true nature resumes itself.

We are found once again, through our own awareness of our self. Now, we know the true value of allowing ourselves to be what we inherently are.

photo credit: Laurent Henschen

Competing for a Better Me

Competing for a Better Me

photo credit tableatny

Can competing not help to better me, without needing to create conflict in my inner self and my outer world?

It’s not competition itself that creates conflict in my inner being, but rather the intention behind that competition. Competing because I desire victory, and being a winner at the hands of another being a loser, undoubtedly creates conflict. For I have unconsciously decided that I am not enough, and that I’ll be more if someone else is less. Competition, in this intention, is an act of being better than others, and reducing myself. It’s an ego concept that invariably creates distress.

However, if I see the value in the (competitive) action done for it’s own sake, whether alone (competing with myself) or in the company of others (competing against other competitors), it can bring out the best in everyone. In this instance I am doing my bestand wanting others to do the same. Which is rather empowering and transformational, and conflict-free.

The beauty of competing for my best self is the only person I am “beating” and surpassing is the older me, and I “win” by becoming a better version of me — and helping you to do the same. I don’t know of a more valuable and supportive outcome to create than that, do you?

photo credit: tableatny

Me vs. Me

Me vs. Me

photo credit oscarandtara

The most noble competitor I have ever encountered is within Me.

I suppose I could look externally for my competition, seeking people out there to better and beat.

I could spend my time and energy determining how I could excel in the ways they do.

I could focus on how they are better, and how I could be like them… And diminish Me in the process.

I could spend my time and energy identifying where their weaknesses lie, and how I could benefit and better from them.

I could focus on how they are worse, and how I am not like them… And inflate Me in the process.

I could focus on the other, rather than myself.

What I’d rather do, however, is be the most fierce competitor of myself. Always challenging myself to be the best Me I can be.

I don’t need to compare myself to anyone external to me. I don’t need to be better than You.

I only need to be the best Me.

When I allow myself to be the best Me, I become free to let you be your best You. I don’t need to compete or compare with you, for I don’t feel like I am lacking.

I am recognizing my own special unique energies, and the value they create. I am feeling okay with me, and that leaves me okay to be no better, or worse, than you.

When I allow myself to see Me completely, I stop fearfully focusing on what is external to me, and instead focus on my truth — that I am totally equal and unique to You. There is no competition.

If I truly want to improve and grow, I need only look inside for how that can be achieved.

And to You, I can look for support.

photo credit: oscarandtara