Let Go

Let Go


Note to Self: Don’t be concerned about what you do.

This does not mean what you do does not matter. To say it doesn’t matter is to veil my concern with apathy. What I mean is, do not be attached to any particular thing or way. Let you be enough. Know you are enough.

Good and bad. Accept you as you are. There is no one better that you need to be.

photo credit: Syahmir

We Don’t Know What We Are

We Don’t Know What We Are


Our true nature, who we inherently are, is expressed in all that we do. Yet most of us live without an awareness of this truth, and the practice of expressing who we naturally are becomes difficult to realize.

Instead, we find our selves striving, pushing, giving up; actions driven by our confusion over who we naturally are.

When we express our true nature, we are human beings — we are what we are. When we do not express our nature, we don’t know what we are. We are confused. Deluded.

We don’t know what to call ourselves. In our minds, we are something else other than what we are. We do not exist. We’re ghosts of our self.

We live in this ghost-like state, our true nature eluding us, until we find the courage to know our self (again). Open to being what we are, our true nature resumes itself.

We are found once again, through our own awareness of our self. Now, we know the true value of allowing ourselves to be what we inherently are.

photo credit: Laurent Henschen

now, Now, NOW!

now, Now, NOW!


For the sake of my personal and business health, I must not get caught up in the now, Now, NOW-ness of anyone or anything else. It doesn’t need to be NOW. I don’t need to hurry. Despite what I hear, and how I (sometimes) feel, there is no race to get to where I’m going. There is only NOW. There is only this space I currently find myself in.

I do my best when moving at my pace — at the speed and energy that pleases and works for me. The rest of the world can have their pace, and I can remain confident in mine. For the truth is, I have all the time and space I need. There is no race in becoming the best me.

photo credit: David Blackwell