A New Adventure Awaits…

A New Adventure Awaits…

Next Saturday, I am due to give birth to my daughter, who is the first child of Daniel and I. While I do not know what is in store for us, but I trust and I can feel this is the greatest adventure we have ever undertaken.

This moment, right now, feels like the space in between the in-breath and the out-breath. It is a very special, tangibly sacred space. I know the future—an exciting, challenging, and love-filled one—stretches out before me and that the past is nothing by a feeling memory. I am deep in trust in my ability to write my future with authority and authenticity.

As I learn to to breathe in a new way in this new space, I will be taking a pause from my writing here, and from my advisory services as well. I’m climbing higher on my personal mountain, amazing myself with my ability to connect with and pursue the things that I most want to achieve and receive, and thus the things that most scare me. As I face my greatest fears and desires (they are two sides of the same coin), I can see how I’ve held myself back and how the future is as expansive as I choose to make it. It is ripe for my co-creation.

One big way I’ve hindered my expansion is by not creating a strong way for me to easily share with the people who care about all that I do and am. I have been afraid to allow us to truly keep in touch with each other. It’s not easy for me to share myself, it’s not easy for me to feel it’s safe. Often, I try and limit contact to compensate. And so I’ve never seriously created a way for us to keep in touch… for me to let you know what I’m up to—and for you to share what your creating and growing in your world.

Using Typeform, a tool for creating beautiful and humanity-filled lead generation forms I feature on my Resources page, I’ve built a sign-up form for us to stay connected with. Please fill it out if you feel motivated to do so. If you do, I’ll be sure to keep you updated by email on all that’s growing in my world.

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So for now, I bid you adieu. I’ll be back writing here when the time is right. As I pause here and get comfortable in my new adventure, I encourage you to take a Strange Adventure with me. Please enjoy my fiction story, Cross My Heart. A new installment comes out every Friday into November.

I love and appreciate you dearly. Thank you so much for reading and for caring about my journey.


Fixed In Place

Fixed In Place

photo credit Sam Simpson

My lower mind is the part of my mental construct that demands for me to be a fixed thing. It desires definition and certainty. It desires to pin ME down. Whereas my higher mind understands the freedom I receive from being nobody.

My higher mind sees the value of having no sense of self that is fixed. It has no desire to define ME. When I am free from this burden of desire, I am more wholly me. I am who I AM. Whereas my lower mind needs to attach to certain attributes; fortifying and grounding me — in my expertise, in my knowledgability, and in my desirability. It relishes defining me as a real somebody.

What value does tying myself down hold? Where can I go when I hold myself in place? I know I need not fix myself in place. I know I need not define ME. What I need is to practice letting go of the desire to be desirable. What I need is to accept ignorance is the path to my freedom.

In my desperation to be seen as special, may I find my wisdom and my power to be the nobody I truly am.

photo credit: Sam Simpson