Yet Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

Yet Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

photo credit to BasicallyAdvanced

The more value found in my signal, the stronger it will be.

I think of my signal as how I am perceived by others. Like a radio signal, my signal appeals not to everyone but to certain people.

I think of my value as how I am of service to others. The more I understand and grow it, the easier I can communicate it, and You can connect with it.

So I tune in. I listen to the marketplace and my community for ideas on what I’m signifying with my brand. And I listen to myself.

Who is tuning into me? What am I tuning into? Are there any discrepancies in what I am are hearing and experiencing internally and externally?

When I work on knowing my value, I work on “developing my authentic voice”. My true voice expresses what’s inside me, and my brand. And the more She shares, the stronger my signal is, and the more of You it will reach.

My signal holds a lot of power. So I need to be careful with it, my communications. I need to be mindful of how I connect with you, and how I share my passions, my values, and my talents with you.

When I find I’m not communicating to add value, it’s wise to choose not to broadcast. Thoughtful communications are what serve me and grow my signal stronger.

 photo credit: BasicallyAdvanced

Takers Gonna Take

Takers Gonna Take

It’s really lovely to know that through giving freely, I can inspire someone to be more giving.

Sometimes though, I encounter a person who consciously (or unconsciously) feels free to consistently take more than they give.

I need to watch my balance with them. For as much as I love to give, and to encourage it, I don’t enjoy feeling used.

With this kind of person, I need to check in with my giving self, and be honest about who they are and what they want from me.

Meet the Taker.

The Taker feels entitled to get more than they give. They feel owed — not just by me — but by the world.

And they are driven to do whatever they can to get what they feel they deserve.

For them, it’s not about an exchange, a give and take of equals, it’s about getting what they need.

They are a taker, and they’re gonna take.

All the giving in the world can not fill their lack.

I could blame the Taker.

But I stay away from them instead.

They’re so caught up in their own stuff, their own feelings of lack, that they can’t possibly see my value, let alone their own.

What they value is their needs fulfilled. What they see are things that could fill them.

To attempt to create an exchange with them will only leave me feeling their lack.

My love of giving can never change their love of taking.

Until they change it themself.

The Credit We Give Ourself

The Credit We Give Ourself

Credit photo credit: 401(K) 2013

Money can be very revealing. It can help us identify the places where we are allowing lack in our lives.

Our money, the credit we have, is a reflection of the value we place on our gifts, and as a result, the value the external world places on them.

When we find ourselves with an external debt it may be because we are not giving ourselves enough credit internally. We have not yet fully realized the value we create. The value we are. And thus we are in lack.

When we give ourself allowance to access all the credit we have inside, the external world will no longer show us a deficit.

We can employ money as a guiding tool to shape the best life (and work) we can have.

photo credit: 401(K) 2012

Love and Esteem

Love and Esteem


What if these two things were created equal?

What if wealth, beauty and status mattered as much as compassion, respect, care and value?

How would that change things?

What if my self-esteem (my view of wealth, beauty and status) was equal to my self-love (my view of compassion, respect, care and value)?

What if I focused on respecting my feelings (compassion), setting my boundaries (respect), ensuring my wellness (care) and cultivating my gifts (value)?

Would I find that my power (beauty, wealth and status) had grown as a result?

My esteem wants to have and do but without knowing where my love lies, am I really getting what I want?

I can make the connection.

Between my external desires and my internal needs. I do not need to pursue one at the expense of the other.

Through loving myself I am creating the esteem I desire.


This article was partially inspired by the concepts found in Madly In Love With Me by Christine Arylo.

photo credit: stars alive