A New Adventure Awaits…

A New Adventure Awaits…

Next Saturday, I am due to give birth to my daughter, who is the first child of Daniel and I. While I do not know what is in store for us, but I trust and I can feel this is the greatest adventure we have ever undertaken.

This moment, right now, feels like the space in between the in-breath and the out-breath. It is a very special, tangibly sacred space. I know the future—an exciting, challenging, and love-filled one—stretches out before me and that the past is nothing by a feeling memory. I am deep in trust in my ability to write my future with authority and authenticity.

As I learn to to breathe in a new way in this new space, I will be taking a pause from my writing here, and from my advisory services as well. I’m climbing higher on my personal mountain, amazing myself with my ability to connect with and pursue the things that I most want to achieve and receive, and thus the things that most scare me. As I face my greatest fears and desires (they are two sides of the same coin), I can see how I’ve held myself back and how the future is as expansive as I choose to make it. It is ripe for my co-creation.

One big way I’ve hindered my expansion is by not creating a strong way for me to easily share with the people who care about all that I do and am. I have been afraid to allow us to truly keep in touch with each other. It’s not easy for me to share myself, it’s not easy for me to feel it’s safe. Often, I try and limit contact to compensate. And so I’ve never seriously created a way for us to keep in touch… for me to let you know what I’m up to—and for you to share what your creating and growing in your world.

Using Typeform, a tool for creating beautiful and humanity-filled lead generation forms I feature on my Resources page, I’ve built a sign-up form for us to stay connected with. Please fill it out if you feel motivated to do so. If you do, I’ll be sure to keep you updated by email on all that’s growing in my world.

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So for now, I bid you adieu. I’ll be back writing here when the time is right. As I pause here and get comfortable in my new adventure, I encourage you to take a Strange Adventure with me. Please enjoy my fiction story, Cross My Heart. A new installment comes out every Friday into November.

I love and appreciate you dearly. Thank you so much for reading and for caring about my journey.


The Power of Relationships

The Power of Relationships

Every relationship you develop, from the most casual to the most intimate, serves to help you become more conscious.

We are taught to honour others, yet often this is one of the most difficult acts we can perform. For not only does it require us, first and foremost, to honour ourselves, it also requires us to come to know our Self. In a larger sense, your relationships are spiritual messengers, they bring into your life revelations about your own strengths and weaknesses.

Some of your relationships may be particularly painful (and necessarily so) as they’re here to help you to learn about yourself and your limitations. You may not be so enthusiastic to explore these “less attractive” aspects of self, yet recognizing your power to make choices and how they affect your world is the power of relationships. Your painful relationships help you to understand that every choice you make contributes to what you create. Choice is the process of creation itself.

Every choice you make is a creative act of spiritual power for which you are held responsible. Managing this power of choice, with all its spiritual and creative implications, is the essence of human experience. Yet you can’t know the full outcome of any choice you make, and so you may find yourself trying to control your life, and the life of others. Disappointment inevitably ensues since, try as you might, the physical world (and the people you are in relationship with) cannot be controlled. Your desires and whims are not for life to serve you on a silver platter.

Which returns you to the place where the greatest power you have is how you choose to behave in your relationships. Your relationships (especially the painful ones) help you to master your inner responses to the external world. They teach that you get to choose your thoughts and emotions.

The power and challenge of your relationships is to learn what motivates you to make the choices you do. In learning about what motivates you, you learn about the essence of your Self. Sex, power, and money are the currencies of relationships and your fear and/or faith is the energy you put behind this currency. This dynamic of choice, of fear and faith, guarantees you cannot run away from yourself or your decisions. For every outcome in some extent reflects this faith and/or fear.

To discover your personal motivations and your “false gods,” how you use and misuse the currencies of the physical world, you need relationships. So much of the way you respond to external challenges is how you respond to yourself. To guide you in developing a healthy and loving relationship with yourself, you have your relationships as a mirror. They are awakening you to your true personal power.

photo credit: Toa Heftiba




It’s a risk. I’m afraid. What will you think of me? What will I think of me? If I tell my hidden truth?

I feel so ashamed. How could I show you that? I can not take the chance of showing my true face to you.

The idea of bearing it is terrifying. In fact, it is more than that, it is life threatening. My neediness threatens my life. It terrifies me. I don’t want to feel it.

I must protect from it. I can not need love. I can not show how I need you. I must protect who I truly am behind my performance of independence.

Why do I feel the truth in my heart is so ugly? So shameful? Why do I feel I must cover it up?

If you knew what was in me, if I showed it to you, I’d be under threat. From me. From you. From the weight of my unbearably inconvenient truth.

Yet if I can break through my fear and allow myself to be vulnerable, what lies on the other side? Could the very thing I fear so much be the very thing to set me free?

But of course. My life is not threatened by my vulnerability. Not anymore, at least. I’m now an adult, in charge of my life. I have the ability to unlearn the faux-protection granted by aloofness and lack-of-care, and allow myself to re-access the wholeness within me. With courage, I have what it takes to face the truth in my heart. I can be me. Vulnerable. Truthful. Completely me.

photo credit: emily mucha

The Moments of Regret

The Moments of Regret

if we never try we never know.

Regret is a painful thing. We see it through the lens of things undone, unsaid, unbeen. We feel it for those moments where our head overran our heart. We embrace it when we act from fear rather than love. All these moments we regret. It is never the moments from love, but the ones acted on—or not—out of fear; these are the moments we miss(understand).

Our mind wants to protect us, but from what? What is it our mind first causes us to fear—then ask us to protect against? Sadly, it is love. Always balancing our head and our heart, we are not perfect people. Trying to protect our self from the truth of our feelings, we make mistakes we later regret. Busy thinking about how we want to feel, we miss another moment to connect.

Holding the Light

Holding the Light

photo credit: Dave King

You make a difference by being what you truly are. You change your world by being the light you naturally are and by holding onto it, no matter what externally flies your way. In living your True Nature, you support others in realizing theirs.

Another can hurt you, or attempt to, but in knowing and holding your light, their is no need to reduce yourself in reaction to them — despite their desire for you to do so. Reacting to them with fear only results in you holding less of your light and in you feeling less than. The cycle of fear and of drama continues.

When you can accept the pain you feel, you can find the strength and presence to respond with your light. You have the right to hold the light you naturally are, no matter what externally flies your way. You have the power to respond to other people’s darkness (and your own) with fairness and compassion.

Others darkness and how they use it does not have to change your light. Unless you choose for it to.

photo credit: Dave King