Business from the inside out

A Magical Time of Year

by | Dec 23, 2009 | Self/Business Growth

Merry Christmas to all my Flickr Friends

I love Christmas.

\’\’It is a really important time of year to me. It’s a time when I reflect and I honour all the learning of the past year. And it’s a time when I celebrate the love in my life.

I love walking the streets of Toronto at Christmas-time. There’s something really special in the air. And I revel in the feeling. Toronto’s kinda-like-the-world-holding-hands, it’s a cultural mosaic, apparently the most multi-cultural gathering of people in the world, and all around me, on the streets, I can feel magic in the air.

It’s not about your religion.

In my world, Christmas-time isn’t about Christ. It’s about love. And loved ones. And it doesn’t matter your religion, or your lack-there-of, to appreciate it.

It’s a time to praise giving and gratitude. And most people can’t argue with that. Our collective joy is infectious right now, whether we choose to follow Christ or not.

A conspiracy of love and laughter.

We, as a society, don’t celebrate life enough, but when we do, and we do it, en masse, it feels sooo good. So magical.

Hope is an amazing thing. And I love how it feels when we’re all believing in beauty and peace together.

So, please, have yourself a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy the love. And thank you for reading.

photo by: duane.scoon

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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A Magical Time of Year

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