Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

Another Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

my poiny of view

My point-of-view matters.

Who am I?

Why am I here?

These questions matter to my personal brand.

The answers not so much. It’s not really about them. My value lies in the asking, in the questions.

Exploring my distinct point-of-view is good for me, and it’s good for business.

For knowing I matter matters deeply.

I am contributing to my brand’s wealth whenever I focus on discovering more about what makes me uniquely and invaluably me.

I can hear my point-of-view when I listen inwards, and when I listen to what is reflected back at me by my marketplace and my community.

Through these acts of asking and listening, I am uncovering my voice, and what’s inside of me and my brand. I am coming to understand why my point of view matters.

The more I grow to I understand my voice, the more clearly I can communicate it, and the better you can connect with it.

It’s brand magic. Made by me and my curiosity towards how I uniquely add value to the world.

One Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding

One Thing I Think I Know About Personal Branding


There is no demand for my message.

Personal branding isn’t about packaging myself up into a pretty box and showing only the good and glowing. The whole me, not my tidy little message, is what people want and will see, whether I attempt to control it or not.

Establishing a message for myself, deciding on a pretense, trying to make you think what I want you to think about me, is not of benefit to me. And it’s not of interest to you. You don’t care about what I want to pretend to be.

My personal brand, it is my Marketing, and it’s not something I do to you. Marketing is something I do with you. It’s about creating great conversations.

That’s what’s really in demand. Connection.

My message, my pretense, can only prevent me from reaching that place with you.


Living in Creative Tension

Living in Creative Tension

photo credit gmacfadyen In Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline, he writes,

The gap between vision and current reality is a source of energy. If there were no gap, there would be no need for any action to move towards the vision. We call this gap creative tension.”

It seems to me that when we allow ourselves to be in the gap between our dreams and our reality — to live in our own creative tension — we find our self most ripe with the solutions we need.

In this space we are living our questions, and the tense energy we create from “not knowing” activates our curiosity. This gap in “knowing” frees us to be the beginners we are.

If we can learn to enjoy the tension “not knowing”, and avoid those who “know” without questioning, I believe we can create our greatest possibility to discover our answers and close our gap between what is and what could be.

photo credit: garymacfadyen

I Just Don’t Know

I Just Don’t Know

Does it make me less professional or less able if I don’t have THE answers?

Is it so bad to “not know”?

I know experts want to be seen as right — but I just want to see everything.

I’m curious.

I want to think beyond the answers spoon fed to me by others.

I want to think beyond their attempts to assert their “knowing.”

I want to see that there is never the right answer, only the answer that works best for me.

By “not knowing” I get to live in questioning.

In questioning I get to dig deep and uncover how and why I limit myself with “must be done’s”.

In my “not knowing” I get to move past my assertions of “THE answer” and move towards finding my true solutions.

More Questions Than Answers

More Questions Than Answers

photo credit Macarena C.

I’ve been told those who “know” things are experts, and that they can help me make the right choices. I’ve been taught that when I have a problem, an expert will have my solution. And I’ve been led to believe that, by asserting my own “knowing,” I can create evidence of my own professionalism and abilities – and be an expert too.

To not know and to admit it, to be open and asking questions can feel wrong in the world of expertise. It can feel shameful to “not know”, and it can feel safer to appear certain of things — even when I am not. “Knowing” can feel like more of an accomplishment, and proof of my abilities, than being honest about my lack of knowing.

I know others build their careers around this false belief, that by living as an expert, they will truly know what’s best. But I can’t help but wonder, where’s the room for curiosity and wonder in that perspective? Where’s the room for living the questions?

I’m thinking the only thing I really need to “know”, as an expert or as an amateur, is that I can’t possibly have the answers until I lived the questions. It’s in the questions that the answers can be found.

photo credit: Macarena C.