Do you have trouble understanding what the heck the difference is between Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations?...

Being an Innerpreneur
Pay What It’s Worth Pricing
Cultural Creativity
Do you have trouble understanding what the heck the difference is between Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations?...
A few months back I was helping to design the header graphic for a new blog that was being launched. The blog's...
When it comes to consciousness, there are really two forms that exist, absolute consciousness and relative...
Let’s architect together a new world where we pay attention to the price tags of our actions.
Since Dec 2020, new price tags can be found throughout Amsterdam that includes the true and complete costs of the goods being produced and purchased…
Author. Wizard of Less Obvious Things
I’m fascinated and repelled by the things humans do, the ways we can be, all the stuff we can not bare to look at about ourselves, all that makes us so messy, and nasty, and beautiful.