An Essential Boundary

An Essential Boundary


Opposites hold an essential boundary for the other. This boundary is a space they both hold in common. When you’re standing on it, you can see the spectrum of truth spanning both sides of the opposition.

Bridging this shared boundary is a delicate dance that requires being able to access both sides, while holding the tension of their opposition.

Your pain and your potential are two sides of the same coin. Without an awareness of both, you take the wealth out of your experience. To truly know one, you must know both; and to the extent you know one, you know the other.

Imbalance is a result of heavily favouring one side of an opposition. It is a result of seeing one aspect of the coin, such as your potential, as more valuable and attractive than the other.

In working to know and value both sides, neither side needs to be lacking for both is acceptable. In this place of acceptance, you masterfully bridge the essential boundary these opposites share.

photo credit: Pablo Fernández
Thank you, Lee Shane, for the inspiration and support in expressing this concept.

The Perfection of Imperfection

The Perfection of Imperfection


What if my imperfections were my road map for growth and becoming more perfectly, joyfully me?

What if embracing and supporting my imperfections could lead me to spaces I’ve never been before?

I am not perfect. And I desire to feel totally happy letting the external world know this truth. No matter the situation.

Inside, I am aware that I am imperfect, but I hold a hesitancy to accept this truth. I waste my valuable energy trying to resist this truth internally, and trying to portray otherwise to the external world.

I’ve been choosing to support the collective lie that perfection is a true ideal and I have allowed this choice to weigh on me. I diminish myself with this ‘perfect’ story, and diminish my world by continuing with a story I don’t truly believe in.

It’s no wonder I feel tortured and confused in my relationship with imperfection, dancing between ignoring her existence and engulfing myself in her.

But what if I chose to walk the line with my imperfection instead, and celebrated the perfection of my imperfections?

What if I gently embraced my imperfections, and had faith in my own ability to transform them into something beautiful?

What if I believed that in working with my less than perfect qualities I am better able to discover the perfection in me?

photo credit: bark