The Motion of Emotion

The Motion of Emotion

photo credit Joschko Hammermann

My emotions are not me.

They are my energy, in motion. I am not responsible for my emotions—I am responsible for what I do with them.

It’s interesting to me how much my feelings change, how much I am in a state of shifting emotion. This awareness affirms that in fact my feelings truly are in motion, and it affirms how unhelpful it is when I try to hold onto the energy they bring. My emotions are in motion for a reason, and attempting to control their movement, by stopping it and/or holding onto it, does nothing for me. In my attachment to my feelings, I miss their point.

9 seconds.

I read that our anger lasts for 9 seconds, unless we attach to it, catch on to it, get caught up in it. 9 seconds for the emotion to move through us, if we let it. 9 seconds for the wave to pass.

In motion for a reason.

My emotions rise and fall, never staying steady. They move around and they are hard to catch. Growing wiser to their pattern, I’m trying to not control my emotions so much. Instead, I’m trying to let them be. Instead, I’m learning to ride their rise and fall, letting them lap at the shore of my awareness and then retreat. Responsible to the inevitable motion of my emotions, I’m understanding it’s not what I feel that matters but how I handle it.

photo credit: Joschko Hammermann

Takers Gonna Take

Takers Gonna Take

It’s really lovely to know that through giving freely, I can inspire someone to be more giving.

Sometimes though, I encounter a person who consciously (or unconsciously) feels free to consistently take more than they give.

I need to watch my balance with them. For as much as I love to give, and to encourage it, I don’t enjoy feeling used.

With this kind of person, I need to check in with my giving self, and be honest about who they are and what they want from me.

Meet the Taker.

The Taker feels entitled to get more than they give. They feel owed — not just by me — but by the world.

And they are driven to do whatever they can to get what they feel they deserve.

For them, it’s not about an exchange, a give and take of equals, it’s about getting what they need.

They are a taker, and they’re gonna take.

All the giving in the world can not fill their lack.

I could blame the Taker.

But I stay away from them instead.

They’re so caught up in their own stuff, their own feelings of lack, that they can’t possibly see my value, let alone their own.

What they value is their needs fulfilled. What they see are things that could fill them.

To attempt to create an exchange with them will only leave me feeling their lack.

My love of giving can never change their love of taking.

Until they change it themself.

What I Don’t Want

What I Don’t Want

Keep Out

The subject’s been coming up a lot for me lately.

It seems I am being schooled in the Art of Alchemy. I’m being taught about my ability to transmute that which is undesirable into something worthy.

I am learning to understand the power of what I don’t want.

I don’t want it… and that’s okay

Sometimes I can be too open to the possibilities… Sometimes I can be a bit too eager to accept what’s being given to me.

The Truth is some things aren’t good for me to open to. Some things being offered aren’t meant to expand me. Some things aren’t given to me with the best of intentions.

If I know I don’t want it, I’ll know not to accept it

I can not afford to be open to everything. Accepting into my life what I don’t want causes me to contract, grow small and get quiet. That is not what I want for my Self.

It’s important I learn what I don’t want to take in, so when it is offered to me, I can choose not to receive it. I can better make choices that leave me open to expansion, and secure from contracting forces, when I know my own boundaries.

In keeping out what doesn’t work, I can claim that space as a place to discover what does work for me.

photo credit: RuffLife