Spending Your Energy

Spending Your Energy

photo credit hikingartist

Look around you.

Where, and with whom, are you spending your Energy?

Do you feel like your spending it wisely?

If not, it could literally be the reason why you are having issues with money. For money, too, is an Energy.

Reflecting on your “money situation” does it mirror back important information about how you spend your Energy?

What do your money spending habits reveal about your energy spending habits?

A Fair Exchange.

Is there anywhere that you are “spending” too much “Energy”? If so, this is a to pay attention to.

For your Energy is worth so much more than that.

photo credit: hikingartist

Takers Gonna Take

Takers Gonna Take

It’s really lovely to know that through giving freely, I can inspire someone to be more giving.

Sometimes though, I encounter a person who consciously (or unconsciously) feels free to consistently take more than they give.

I need to watch my balance with them. For as much as I love to give, and to encourage it, I don’t enjoy feeling used.

With this kind of person, I need to check in with my giving self, and be honest about who they are and what they want from me.

Meet the Taker.

The Taker feels entitled to get more than they give. They feel owed — not just by me — but by the world.

And they are driven to do whatever they can to get what they feel they deserve.

For them, it’s not about an exchange, a give and take of equals, it’s about getting what they need.

They are a taker, and they’re gonna take.

All the giving in the world can not fill their lack.

I could blame the Taker.

But I stay away from them instead.

They’re so caught up in their own stuff, their own feelings of lack, that they can’t possibly see my value, let alone their own.

What they value is their needs fulfilled. What they see are things that could fill them.

To attempt to create an exchange with them will only leave me feeling their lack.

My love of giving can never change their love of taking.

Until they change it themself.

Improving Your Game

Improving Your Game

Money Game

Like any game, if you don’t actively participate in it, you will not be a player.

If you can see money as a game, you can understand the importance of playing with money; of learning to flow with debit and credit.

Like in any game, it’s important to your success as a player to maintain a positive attitude, regardless of where you are in your flow. Whether in debit or credit, your job as a player is to ensure you are always doing your best while in the game.

This means choosing to be skillfully aware of how you can improve your game. Specifically in the game of money, it means being honest about where you limit the flow of giving, and receiving, in your life.

If you want to maximize your flow and make your game all the more effective, watch your limiting thoughts and ideas around money. It’s those thoughts and ideas that are hurting you as a player, and altering money’s rate of circulation to you.

photo credit: dirac3000

It’s Not You, It’s Me

It’s Not You, It’s Me

Push Here

I behave and you think it’s because of you.

You take my choices personally.

It’s not about you

My choices have nothing to do with you.

Even when they are in reaction to you.

How I behave is about me.

It’s my stuff

It’s about me. Despite what I might say.

Even when I tell you you’re not good enough.

It about me trying to control you, trying to mold you into what I think you should be.

It’s about what I think, what I want.

I want to impose my will. I want my control.

Don’t take on my stuff

Don’t react to me.

Don’t hurt your Self and take it personal.

Remember it’s not you, it’s me.

When it’s about you

You’ll know it. You’ll feel it.

For I’ll be giving to you the things you need.

Like love and support.

If I’m not offering those things, please believe me, it’s not you, it’s me.

photo credit: McWheelie