Where the Word ‘Innerpreneur’ Came From
I didn’t make it up.
The book, Karma Queens, Geek Gods and Innerprenuers, by Ron Rentel, was the first, to my knowledge, to use and define the term innerpreneur. (Editor’s Note: I now know this to be incorrect.) The book is an exploration of the nine most interesting consumer types evolving today.
The Making of an Innerpreneur
An innerpreneur is an entrepreneur who use their business to find personal fulfillment (creatively, spiritually, emotionally) and create social change.
You may have heard the terms ‘creative class‘, ‘creative capitalism’, or ‘cultural creative‘ used to describe us as well. Basically, we want to use business to improve the world and ourselves.
We have the defining entrepreneurial traits. We have a(n):
- high need for achievement
- high need for independence
- low need for conformity
- internal locus of control
- love of ambiguity
- propensity for risk-taking
- obsession with opportunity
But innerpreneurs are characteristically different as we start businesses to aid in our personal growth rather than that of a company’s. We start our businesses so we can find personal fulfillment and satisfaction through our work.
We are driven by our need to realize our full potential, to make a difference and to constantly learn and evolve.
Further Characteristics of an Innerpreneur
- you believe you should do what you are and what you love
- you see the world in a different way than most
- you let your values and passion for exploration guide your life
- you have an innate need to be creative and honest, to follow your own unique path
- you want to make things different; you are attracted to industries that improve the world
- you may alternate periods of career focus with periods of reflection and/or adventure
I’m an Innerpreneur
After reading the chapter on Innerpreneurs in Karma Queens, Geek Gods and Innerpreneurs, I quickly identified my needs and desires as one of an innerpreneur.
Just before reading the book I had just decided to start my own business. I had realized that I had to in order to have the life I desired. I want to write, to learn, to help people, and use the web to create change.
I have always been hesitant to label myself, to put myself in a box of any sort but I couldn’t help but smile and take a deep breath of relief when I read the profile. It is always nice to belong somewhere.
The Point of ‘Rise of the Innerpreneur’
This blog is dedicated to promoting innerpreneurship and helping innerpreneurs, like you and me, make their businesses a success.