Business from the inside out

Give to Haiti What is Yours On Loan

by | Jan 17, 2010 | Cultural Creativity

What is it that you have on loan?


What is it that you have of value?


Give your value to Haiti.

People pay you money to do the thing that you love to do. What if, just one time, you did your thing, and instead of you receiving the monetary value, you asked your client to give it to a charity doing relief work in Haiti?

What if you shared your act with the people you know and inspired them to give? What if you shared your act in the comments below and inspired us to give?

I want to give my value to Haiti. Help me.

I’m offering 1 hour of strategic coaching for free to the first person who pledges to give the monetary value they receive from our session to the Red Cross in the form of a donation.

Email me and help me give my value to Haiti. [This offer was snatched up on 18-Jan-10 at 12:17 PM EST]

If you’re a blogger… The Help Haiti Blog Challenge.

Kelly Diels (with inspiration from Danielle Laporte) has created the Help Haiti Blog Challenge to help spread the idea that WE CAN HELP HAITI BY GIVING OUR SELVES, OUR VALUE in support. Kelly is urging us to use our blogs to raise awareness and support for Haiti and spread the Challenge to our people.

\’\’Please sign up here and do what you can to help.

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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Give to Haiti What is Yours On Loan

By Tara Joyce Time to Read: 1 min