Everything We Are

Everything We Are

photo credit Pink Sherbet Photography

Creative. Intuitive. Wise. Beautiful. And all the other qualities we (sometimes) believe only the special possess.

The possession of these gifts, however, is not a special thing. For we each possess them, with varying degrees of visibility.

The special thing, the thing stands out, is not the qualities themselves but the empowered use and the deliberate practice of them.

For to practice and harness your creativity, your intuition, your wisdom, your beauty takes patience, dedication, and optimism. It takes developing less visible qualities in pursuit of your more visible ones, and it takes focusing your time and energy on your goals, while accepting that the immediate satisfaction of these needs can not be met.

This is what makes these people special. Not the qualities themselves, but their dedication and persistence in nurturing and sharing what’s inside of them.

photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

Our Words Are Our Resource

Our Words Are Our Resource

photo credit quinnanya

What if our words were thought of as a resource to be conserved and used wisely?

What if we saw the misuse of our words as a waste of precious resources, similar to the misuse of our oceans or another limited resource?

What if we saved our words? Saved them from carelessness, from thoughtless expressions, saved them from being used to harm people and the planet?

What if we learned to respect all our resources? Not just the one’s from the earth and that other posses, but the one’s that are personally our own?

What if we knew our expression as our most valuable resource? How would we change things if we knew the true cost of wasting it carelessly?

photo credit: quinnanya

Logically Speaking

Logically Speaking

photo credit MattysFlicks

Logically speaking, when I deny my emotions as a factor my conclusions can’t help but be faulty, can they?

When I deny my emotions, I can’t be rational, logical nor true, can I?

If anything, I’m being highly illogical. Emotional even.

I’m certainly not acting from a place of wholeness.

To not recognize that my emotions exist, and/or the emotions of others, is an imbalance in perception that will not benefit me.

To be neutral and balanced, to honour the existence and validity of my emotions and yours, while not attaching to them, is my only way to be wholly logical.

Because logically speaking, the whole of me must be relevant, as must be the whole of you, right?

photo credit: MattysFlicks