Business from the inside out

Me vs. Me

by | Feb 14, 2014 | Cultural Creativity

photo credit oscarandtara

The most noble competitor I have ever encountered is within Me.

I suppose I could look externally for my competition, seeking people out there to better and beat.

I could spend my time and energy determining how I could excel in the ways they do.

I could focus on how they are better, and how I could be like them… And diminish Me in the process.

I could spend my time and energy identifying where their weaknesses lie, and how I could benefit and better from them.

I could focus on how they are worse, and how I am not like them… And inflate Me in the process.

I could focus on the other, rather than myself.

What I’d rather do, however, is be the most fierce competitor of myself. Always challenging myself to be the best Me I can be.

I don’t need to compare myself to anyone external to me. I don’t need to be better than You.

I only need to be the best Me.

When I allow myself to be the best Me, I become free to let you be your best You. I don’t need to compete or compare with you, for I don’t feel like I am lacking.

I am recognizing my own special unique energies, and the value they create. I am feeling okay with me, and that leaves me okay to be no better, or worse, than you.

When I allow myself to see Me completely, I stop fearfully focusing on what is external to me, and instead focus on my truth — that I am totally equal and unique to You. There is no competition.

If I truly want to improve and grow, I need only look inside for how that can be achieved.

And to You, I can look for support.

photo credit: oscarandtara

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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By Tara Joyce Time to Read: 1 min