For the Next 2-ish Weeks

For the Next 2-ish Weeks

Nicaragua, Central America
This article was suppose to publish this past Thursday but apparently I don’t know how to use WordPress properly. I’m working on it.

I’ll be in Nicaragua

Very early this morning, I left for my vacation to Nicaragua, Central America. I will be traveling throughout the country for a little under three weeks.

I am so excited to:

But back on the innerpreneur ranch

Articles are going to published twice weekly as normal. The only changes are:

  • I will not be writing. Instead, guest innerpreneurs will be sharing their wisdom with you. Look forward to wisdom from:
    • Kim Candilsh (Artist and Blogger)
    • Benjamin Seaman (Psychotherapist and Relationship Coach)
    • Jay Cowan (Blogger and Man of Mystery ~ I’m not sure exactly what he does…yet)
    • Bill Boulton (eBusiness Owner and soon-to-be Blogger)
  • Deep Thoughts (That Are Not My Own) will be on hiatus but Innerpreneur Spotlight will not.
  • The posting schedule may be irregular as I can’t guarantee when I will be able to access internet. I am aiming to publish a guest post every Tuesday and Thursday but don’t be upset if I’m a bit tardy.

A message for you

Have a wonderful first half of February. Thank you for reading.

“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.” – Baha’u’llah

I like the quote but I don’t know know the quoter. Can someone enlighten me?

Have fun.

Oh and P.S. Your subscription to this blog is probably wonky right now. It’s Google’s Fault.

For the Next 2-ish Weeks

Speak Up and Share Your Wisdom

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney

For the non-bloggers in our tribe. This article is for those of us who have yet to use the web to speak up. As I mentioned earlier, I am traveling to Nicaragua in late January and I am looking for guest writers to contribute to Rise of the Innerpreneur while I am gone. If you have yet to write for the web, I would be honoured if you would take this opportunity to speak up and share your wisdom with your fellow innerpreneurs.

The web is a funny invention. Many cry that it has ruined writing. That all the CU L8R’s and excessive !!!!!! are a travesty to the English language. But I disagree. As the web is the first medium that has allowed the individual to easily share their unique perspective with the world. Before it, we could only shine our light on those in direct proximity to us.

But now we have computers and Internet connections and the ability to interact with people from all over the world. And even better, we have the ability to share our wisdom with people who are seeking to benefit from it.

No one is forced to read what you publish. If someone is reading your thoughts it is because they actively chose to do so.

But for a lot of us, before we can begin to share, we first need to tame our inner critic. We need to see that speaking up and putting oneself out there for the world to love, hate or ignore, while not easy, is incredibly fulfilling.

The Inner Critic Drone

Why would anyone care to read what I think?

Maybe people will hate it and tell me so.

Maybe I’ll sound stupid. Maybe my writing sucks. Maybe what I write will be obvious and trite.

Or even worse, maybe what I write won’t be perfect. Maybe it won’t be up to the high standards I set for myself.

The Inner & Outer Truth

If you write about something you are passionate about and if you write about it with truth and honesty, it will feel amazing and it will be ‘good enough’. For all it takes to be a good writer is writing your truth.

Remember, no one else is like you. No one else knows exactly what you know and communicates it in the way you do. You have so much wisdom that only you can share.

Your Thoughts Matter

The web has given you the power to share your unique wisdom with a community of people who want to listen. You now have the chance to make a difference in more people’s lives than you ever have before.

You’ll be scared writing that first article (and maybe even the rest after that  – I still get anxious each time I publish) but your thoughts will connect with someone, I guarantee it. All it takes authenticity. Writing honestly about what you care about. There are others out there who care just as much and they will find your thoughts and connect with them.

Finding Inspiration to Speak Up

If you have decided to take the step to begin writing online, don’t force it. The ideas will come to you.

Here are a few ways to find inspiration:

•    Jot down your thoughts when you read, hear or see something that excites you.

•    Be conscious of the conversations you have with others and how your perspective adds value.

•    Start small. You don’t have to jump in with both feet. Start by making a comment on an article that you enjoyed. Or writing a review of something creative you appreciated.

If you pay attention you will notice that great ideas come to you every day. You have so much within you that you could write about. You’ve just got to silence that pesky inner critic, he’s a bossy fool anyway.

Speak up and share your wisdom. See the difference your thoughts make on the world.

If I have inspired you and you wish to publish for the first time on Rise of the Innerpreneur, please email me. My only requirements are that your article be related to the general categories I cover on this blog and that you publish between January 28 and February 17. We can chat about this more in depth over email.
It would be a great honour to feature your wisdom.

This article was originally written for New Zealand’s holistic online community, Holistic Living to help its members to speak up.
For the Next 2-ish Weeks

My Goals for This Year: Growing Innerpreneurship in 2009

Creative Commons License photo credit: Joe Dielis

Creative Commons License photo credit: Joe Dielis

I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. I could never understand why the change in the date was a catalyst to make changes in my life. I always followed the plan that I would institute changes as soon as I was aware that they needed or wanted to be made.

But as another year ends and I enter my 28th year of life, I am understanding more the value of reflection and goal setting, both personally and professionally.

Reflection helps me to appreciate the journey and how it has lead me to where I am today, while goal setting helps me to outline my desires for the future and strategize how to achieve them.

I’ve realized that the advent of a new year is a great time to begin creating holistic solutions to the issues uncovered during the previous year.

Where I Want to Be in 2009

  1. Meditating Regularly
    2008 was filled with multiple attempts to begin meditating regularly. Unfortunately, I found it nearly impossible to establish a routine that I could stick with. My goal for 2008 was to meditate daily but for 2009, I will be happy simply to have it be a growing activity in my life.

    Any tips you may have on how you motivated yourself to meditate are very much appreciated.

  2. Generating a Sustainable Income from My Business, Elastic Mind
    My business earnings in 2008 (from May onwards, when I started Elastic Mind) were minimal as I was focusing the bulk of my time on planting my business seeds. In 2009 I aim to generate enough income to 1. sustain the costs of running the business and 2. contribute to our living expenses.

    Any tips you may have on how you cultivate clients are very much appreciated.

  3. Completing my Business Website
    I am very proud of the site I am creating but now that the hard part is over (it has been designed and written), I am working on developing the site. This means coding, populating, editing and search engine optimizing the over 100+ pages I have conceptualized and written. It is a slow process and I daily feel the grind of the “creative hump”. Some days I worry that the site will “never” be finished.

    Any tips you may have on how you stay focused and motivated on your creative projects are very much appreciated.

  4. Enjoying More Hobbies
    I have plans to continue my tap dancing classes, to start take a drawing class and to read the 10 books sitting by my bed. Daniel and I are traveling to Nicaragua in February. I also plan to attend regular yoga/pilates classes and continue to walk as much as I have in 2008.

    Any tips you may have on how you make time for your hobbies are very much appreciated.

  5. Developing More Daily Structure
    It is an adjustment to move from a “9-to-5” life to that of an independent. I am still working on developing a structure to my day that ensures I yield maximum productivity while maintaining balance, calm and focus. I want to do away with the days where I never see daylight as I am too focused to take a break.

    Any tips you may have on how you create structure in your day are very much appreciated.

  6. Taming My Inner Critic and Growing My Inner Kudos
    Although I have achieved all the goals I set for myself 2008, it is not enough. I am never satisfied with my achievements. In fact, I am almost embarrassed and ashamed by them. I am hesitant to share with them with even those that are closest to me. I don’t know why and in 2009 I am going to work on ending the secrecy and cultivating a more self-promoting attitude.

    Any tips you may have on how you became less secretive about your work are very much appreciated.

  7. Improving and Growing Rise of the Innerpreneur
    I have many ideas for how I can continue to improve and better serve innerpreneurs through my blog, Rise of the Innerpreneur. In the coming weeks I will be asking you how this blog can be of more value to you. I want it to be the best it can be and to be constantly evolving with our changing needs.

    If you have any tips on how I can improve the blog I would love to hear them.
    Otherwise, in the coming weeks I will be asking your opinion on ideas I have had. I would appreciate it greatly if you provided feedback on them. I truly want this blog to be the most valuable tool it can be.

Now that I know where I want to be in 2009, I can begin the process of determining how I will get there.