Business from the inside out

What Does the Word ‘hippie’ Mean?

by | Nov 5, 2008 | Cultural Creativity

photo credit: jdebner

I keep getting called a ‘hippie‘. It seems to be the only word some people can think of to describe me and my husband’s way of life and values. I know I should correct them and say that I am actually a ‘Cultural Creative‘ but I don’t.

What I’m wondering is, what do people mean when they use the word ‘hippie‘? Is it for lack of a better term? Or are they mocking?

It makes me sad to think that people feel the need to outwardly mock conscious living. What makes it so funny? And why does it make people react in a hostile way?

Tara Joyce

Written by Tara Joyce

In 2008, I started this blog as I began working for myself. It is a reflection of my innerpreneurial journey, growing myself to grow my business. ABOUT ME

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What Does the Word ‘hippie’ Mean?

By Tara Joyce Time to Read: <1 min